Hello, dear readers of PC World Online Magazine, Meditation, and Yogic Sciences section. Today, I'm going to share with you a powerful Zen story that will inspire you to embrace the power of stillness in your life. This story is based on a YouTube video by Motivation Mastery, titled "Power Of Stillness – A Powerful Zen Story".

Shambhavi Mudra is a powerful technique that can help you achieve a higher level of consciousness and bliss. It involves gazing at the center of your eyebrows, where the third eye chakra is located, and activating the energy flow in your body.

Shambhavi Mudra is a powerful technique that can help you achieve a higher level of awareness and bliss. It is a practice that involves gazing at the center of your eyebrows, where the third eye chakra is located. This mudra can activate your intuition, enhance your concentration, and calm your mind.

Shambhavi Mudra is a powerful technique that can help you achieve a state of inner peace and bliss. It is a practice that involves gazing at the center of your eyebrows, where the third eye chakra is located. This mudra can activate your intuition, enhance your concentration, and calm your mind.

The ancient wisdom of yoga offers profound insights into the nature of human existence. One such insight revolves around the concept of the five elements - fire, water, earth, air, and space. These elements, according to yogic philosophy, are not only the building blocks of the universe but also the fundamental components of our physical and mental existence.


The Satipatthana Sutta, also known as the "Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness," is a central teaching in the Theravada Buddhist period. But according to the research of Ven. Bikku Analayo, The Satipattana Sutta has been originated in the Pre-Theravada Buddist tradition. The sutta, found in the Pali Canon's Majjhima Nikaya, provides a practical and comprehensive guide for the cultivation of mindfulness and insight meditation. Attributed to the Buddha, the Satipatthana Sutta outlines four foundations of mindfulness that serve as the basis for developing insight into the true nature of reality.

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Before you start reading this in-depth article about this great meditation technique, I need you all to get the essence of this TedTalk conducted by a real Shaolin master Shi Heng Yi. In this talk, you will meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery. Learn why rainfall is an essential part of each flowering. And every small step – part of the journey to the highest peek. The hindrances along the way to self-discovery and personal growth are easy to overcome. Learn how from his talk. For more than 30 years, Master Shi Heng Yi has been studying and practicing the interaction between mind and body. His strength is the ability to smoothly combine this knowledge with physical exercises and to practice Martial art –Kung Fu and Qi Gong. He has an academic background but he prefers to live at the Shaolin Temple Europe, Monastery located in Otterberg, Germany. Since 2010 he has been taking care of the settlement and he personifies the sustainable development and spreading the Shaolin culture and philosophy. As a contemporary monk, Master Yi holds a smartphone in the folds of his clothes as he sees no contradiction between living together with ancient knowledge and high technology. “The universal law of being successful and happy at the same time means finding the balance”, says Master Yi. And as for flying – yes, he really can do it! He only needs a stick and a little space. We expect him to fly in and share about the Shaolin way at TEDxVitosha 2020.

Recognize, Accept, Investigate, and Non-Identify

Pain is certain, suffering is optional. – A fundamental teaching in Buddhism, this quote aligns with the Vipassana practice of observing sensations without reacting to them.

Vipassana meditation, an ancient practice deeply rooted in the teachings of Gautama Buddha, offers a path of self-exploration and self-purification that transcends the boundaries of culture and religion. One of the most significant figures in disseminating Vipassana in the modern world was S.N. Goenka, a Burmese-Indian teacher whose teachings have reached countless individuals across the globe. This article delves into the profound tradition of Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka. It explores the origins of the practice, the structure and experience of a 10-day Vipassana retreat, and the challenges one might encounter on this journey. Through this exploration, we aim to illuminate the timeless wisdom embodied in this practice and its potential to foster a more harmonious, peaceful, and mindful way of living.

You only lose what you cling to – This quote speaks to the principle of non-attachment that is central to Vipassana's practice.

I agree that breath is a fundamental aspect of our lives and has a significant impact on both our physical and mental well-being. Breathing techniques can indeed help us manage various aspects of our lives by promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and improved focus.

In today's fast-paced world, technology, psychology, meditation, and yogic sciences are converging to provide holistic solutions for overall well-being. One such ancient secret that has piqued the interest of modern seekers is the Rudraksha, a sacred seed revered by yogis and mystics like Sadhguru. This article delves into the benefits of Rudraksha and the wisdom shared by Sadhguru, offering insights that can be embraced by individuals of all ages seeking balance and harmony in their lives.

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